
任兆玉 - 搜狗百科

  • 简介:
    Run-NingZhao,Ju-GuangHan,TherelativisticdensityfunctionalInvestigationsongeometries,electronicandmagneticpropertiesofIrnclusters,ChinPhysB,10083601-8. 10.Gong-heDu,Zhao-yuRen*,PingGuo,Ji-MingZheng,Halopentacenes:PromisingCandidatesforOrganicSemiconductors,Chin.Phys.Lett,2009,27,077101 11.ShuanghongGao,ZhaoyuRen,...详情
搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-6-16

中国民航飞行学院广汉分院 - 搜狗百科


搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2024-1-9

中国民航飞行学院广汉机场 - 搜狗百科


搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2020-10-14

广汉北站 - 搜狗百科

广汉北站位于中国四川省德阳市广汉市,是中国铁路成都局集团有限公司管辖的二等站,其北距绵阳站72公里,南距成都东站40公里。 广汉北站车场总规模为2台4线。...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-6-16

孙棣华 - 搜狗百科

Guanghan Peng, Dihua Sun. A new trafficmodel with the consideration of coupling effect with two lanes. Chinese PhysicsB. 2009,18(2):468-474(SCI收录) 5) Guanghan ...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-6-7

陆光汉 - 搜狗百科

  • 生日:
  • 简介:
    ⒎Lu Guanghan Determination of ascorbic acid in fruits and vegetables by stripping voltammetry on glassy electrode. FoodChenistry,1994.51.237. ⒏Lu Guanghan,Anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Iodide with carbon paste ele...详情
搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-6-15

四川漆器 - 搜狗百科

Guanghan County has become a major center of lacquer ware production, yield large, beautifully produced. When there are ornamental patterns, unlike the Warring States period in order to mainly descriptive, but more stylized, design-oriented, pay attention to decorative effect. it has a strong sense of rhythm, neat, delicate yet rich in flavor, and ...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-6-7