

坏小子迪德夫(搞怪小子迪德夫 Titeuf: The Film)导  演:泽普主  演:让·雷谢夫 扎布·布雷特曼 梅兰妮·贝尔内尔类  别:动作 剧情区域/配音:欧美出品年份:2011-4详情

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soso代理商 - 搜狗百科


搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-6-14

360良医(360良医) - 搜狗百科


搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-6-14

sohot - 搜狗百科

SO HOT人生第一个巡回演唱会 最难忘的表演:2008年北京奥运会的现场演出 最难忘的事情:SO HOT的出道经历英文名: Tiffany 生 日: 10月8日 血 型: O 型 星 座: ...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2023-3-12

Where Does The Good Go - 搜狗百科

knowsHow do you live so happily while I am sad and broken downWhat do you say it's up for grabs now that you're on your way downWhere does the good go, where does ...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2015-3-20

Doubtful Comforts - 搜狗百科

You're so good at getting my hopes up Where they don't belong I can't reach them This is the view that appears in my mind Covered with orange lights That I've seen countless times When can we find a place where we'll stay for a while? 'Till we c...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-4-3

The Olive Tree - 搜狗百科

Why do you wander so far ,wander so far叶倩文1961年9月30日出生于台湾,籍贯广东中山,中国女歌手、影视演员。 1980年以专辑《春天的浮雕 》在歌坛出道,1984凭粤语歌曲《零时十分》成名,于1990至1993年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼中连续四届夺得“最受欢迎女歌星”奖。1994年获得台湾金曲奖最国语女歌手大奖,2010年荣获香...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2021-12-12

Do You_ - 搜狗百科

so?Stop kidding mestop fooling mestop using meWhat?s it gonna be?Do you? Do you want me?Do you love me?Forever and everDo you? Do you leave me?Never leave ...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2021-1-28

Jewel In The Hand - 搜狗百科

time you want to do it twiceThe cart before the horse so fall in lineand save away a chill of summertimeJewel in the handA lump of fired sandDon't feed the fathersstarving ...

搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2015-12-29

Through With You - 搜狗百科

  • 简介:
    lover has ever done that heartache heartache i just have so much a simple love with a complex touch there is nothing you can say or do i called to let you know i'm through with you you ain't ever coming back to me that's not how things were supposed to be you take my hand just to give it back no other lover has ever done that heartache heartache ...
搜狗百科 - baike.sogou.com/v...- 2022-3-9
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